Oh well, that’s over for another year; so now we can get down to the real deal.
I did manage to make Mr. B a tote bag for his constant companion. He isn’t a motorcycle fan but the fabric has our hometown on it. This item busted one yard of fabric from my stash. Woo-hoo!
I finished steps two, three and four of Bonnie Hunter’s Roll Roll Cotton Boll mystery quilt. Actually, step three isn’t quite finished since I still need to remove the foundation paper from about 40 of the blocks. I’m doing a few each day as it’s tedious work. Step five involves 600 (that’s right, six hundred) 2 inch half square triangles. Currently I’m at about 200 sewn but not pressed and squared up.
Little by little I’ve been refolding my quilt fabric stash using 8x10 cardboard and measuring the fabric as I go. Up until this point I just kept a running total but since then I’ve been making a note of the amount right on the cardboard.
I have now finished folding the second shelf as well as some pieces that were in baskets. No photo yet but the new grand total is almost 300 yards. That doesn’t include a stack of fabric that hasn’t been laundered yet plus what is with projects I’m working on or thinking of working on.